Thursday 13 October 2011

The Perfect Summer's Day

Even though summer is not my favourite season but it is still quite enjoyable. My idea of having a perfect summer is spending a day at the beach. Once I arrive at the beach I normally go for a swim, relax and chill in the sand, body boarding and play beach soccer. Besides going to the beach I also enjoy playing sport such as cricket. Even though soccer is a winter sport I still play it at summer time. There are many aspect of the sea such as the cool water lapping over your feet as you wade into the surf. Visually the beach is a brilliant piece of art, vibrant and alive and these are just some aspect of the beach

Wednesday 31 August 2011


My friend Leon is as smart as Albert Einstein, as fat as a pig cuz he always eats maccas and as tall as a giraffe. He comes to my chinese school and he is one of my best friend.


My name is Zhiqiang Lin. my parents named me that because in chinese Zhi part means been smart and qiang part means been strong. Lin is my family name so it came from my dad. Everyone calls me Lin because most people can't pronounce Zhiqiang.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Diary Entry

Diary Entry
Tomorrow is the grand final. I’m crapping my pants! I fear that Thumper is going to kill me. I’m nervous, scared but I’m nowhere near exited. All I can think of right now is Thumper knocking me out and everyone laughing at me. I want my dad to come. Normally I don’t want him to come but this time I want him to come so I can impress him. Then he wont think I’m a gutless wonder. Winning a grand final is Arks dream since he was a kid so I definitely don’t want to disappoint him. Honestly I shouldn’t even be on the team. The only reason I’m in it is because of Carol been over 18. This sucks!